Our Story
After years in the corporate world and co-founding many Venture Capital-backed technology start-ups, Jean Francis Kisovec (JFK) and Tony Peirson wanted to measure the rest of their careers by maximum impact on the world they leave their children and grandchildren.
To start, they wanted to work on this solution with their families. Family-owned and operated means solving problems together with some of the most important people in their lives.

The "impossible" task JFK selected to conquer was the creating of distributed renewable energy at economic parity with coal-fired power plants. After three (3) years of brainstorming, JFK believed he could make a major change to the way energy is captured from the wind. And given his track record of revolutionary technology transformations over a 45 year career, we were all willing to bet on him being able to do it.

For five (5) more years, JFK labored to resolve challenge after challenge. A few years back, the National Research Council of Canada saw what he had accomplished and signed on to help fund the final stages of development to assure that this technology became available to the world.
The wind turbine delivers on every objective:
Less than $1/W retail ($3,950 for 4000 Watts)
Lightweight to be able to install anywhere.
Seamless Operation - Just plug it into any standard outlet
Quality and Simplicity to last for years - Simple, effective, low-wear design
The next phase is to get this technology in the hands of those who desire energy independence in the developed world AND to Light as many Villages as possible in the 18% of the world that still lives without basic electricity.
Why Alternative Energy and Why Family?

Isaiah 40:31
Our faith does inform these decisions in major ways. First, we were given a unique and beautiful planet of which to be stewards. Also, those of us who live blessed lives have an obligation to help our fellow man where we can. With 18% of the world still living in darkness, we have unfortunately not done a great job of either.
We would hope that the family part would be self-evident, but unfortunately again, the world has largely abandoned the concept of commitment to family. As successful entrepreneurs, we know about commitment of a sort. We just want to make sure that strong family bonds are nurtured and developed in whatever we do.
Meet the Team

Clean Energy Consortium - Unique Product, Unique Business Model
Three companies (represented by the center photo above) combining their respective strengths to bring the WindWill wind turbine to the market. WindWill designed the product, Brechbuhl adds their manufacturing expertise, and UPowerUSA handles sales and marketing in the US.
Guylaine & Jean-Francis Kisovec – Founders, WindWill. JFK is a serial technology entrepreneur with over 45 years of industry-defining innovations. We call him the “Leonardo da Vinci” of our generation because he advances any area of science or technology to which he puts his mind.
Josée Brechbuhl – President, Brechbuhl - a 50 year old manufacturing company headquartered in Montreal, QC. Josée has held many positions within the company and has run operations for the past 20+ years.
Tony Pierson - Founder/CEO of UPowerUSA and UPowerGlobal, Serial technology entrepreneur with over 27 years of executive marketing and product management experience. Board member of Total Health.org, and mentor at Blacksburg Ablaze Church.

UPower Board of Directors - Sales and Marketing Function
Terry and Dena Singh - Sales executives with over 30 years of senior sales experience apiece in
Telecommunications. Global sailors - spent 18 months sailing the Pacific. Ardent supporters of
a leaving a cleaner planet for our children and grandchildren.
Marc Mullen - General Manager, OptiFreight Logistics Services a Division of Cardinal Health that
manages over 11.5M shipments per year. Previously, SVP Marketing for Cardinal Health. Over
30 years of executive level experience in Marketing and Logistics. Board member of Total
Bart Hawley - Managing Consultant, Coleago Consulting. Over 30 years of Finance-focused
experience in the global wireless market. Worked extensively in the developing world and has
seen firsthand the darkness UPower is working to alleviate.
Rodd Whitney - CEO/Founder - OnePurposePeople - Talent acquisition for Agriculture industry.
Over 30 years of leadership in the Ag community. Mid-west family-farming background, with a
heavy emphasis on "family!"
UPower Core Values
Integrity: Every interaction internally and externally must be at the highest level of honesty.
Loyalty: We live in a microwave / disposable society. People who can be counted on through thick and thin are far too rare. If one of us sounds the alarm, we all come running.
Value Creation: In every transaction, the customer MUST be better off after the interaction than before. If all parties cannot be thrilled, then we will graciously decline to make that sale.
Social Impact: Whether it is energy independence for farmers in developed nations, inexpensive clean energy worldwide, or initial energy for a village in a developing nation, UPower's goal is to maximize our impact for good.
Family: Supporting families is a core value for UPower. We believe that we operate best in cohesive teams where every member is honored and valued for their different contributions.
Quality: Everything put in the field will stay in the field, period. If not, see value #4.
Respect: Treat others with dignity, respect, and sensitivity. Appreciate the value of different experiences, perspectives, and ideas. We don't have to agree to be respectful.​​